As we get ready to kick-off the Datafied News Industry (DANI) research project, we want to mention that we welcome Visiting Scholars. It is an opportunity for both junior and senior researchers within the fields of, for example, journalism studies, media management and economics, media and communication research, political science, and data science to engage with the project and with us.
Being a Visiting Scholar here means you are our guest and collaborator for a shorter period of time. There is no “template” for how long that period of time is (could be just a few days, could be a month), or for what exactly we do with that time. What we offer is office space (with high-speed broadband), good company, a nice campus, and good possibilities for collaboration. You become part of a vibrant research environment at the Department of Communication and Arts at Roskilde University. The university is close to Copenhagen and there are good connections by train.
While you are here, we expect you to actively engage with the DANI project group and the general research environment. We also expect you to present and discuss your research – either in the Journalism and Democracy research group, in classes, and/or in public talks.
We strongly encourage Visiting Scholars to use their stay with us to explore collaborations that result in co-authored publications. In fact, we give priority to stays that pursue this goal.

Here is the fine print. The research project runs from January 1, 2024, through the Summer of 2027, and we accept Visiting Scholars throughout the entire project period. A Visiting Scholar must do research that aligns with the research of the DANI project. We unfortunately cannot cover any expenses, and we cannot pay Visiting Scholars. We do not have unlimited space or bandwidth for visits. And finally: we have not done this before, so we will work some things out as we go along.
Interested? Get in touch!